EdgeX is a vendor-neutral open source project hosted by The Linux Foundation launched in April 2017. The primary focus is to standardize industrial IoT edge computing and build a common framework. The project combines the work of the Linux’s IoTX and Dell, which developed its FUSE software for IoT. The vision is to create a common interoperability framework that enables an ecosystem of plug-and-play, “EdgeX Certified” components. EdgeX Foundry goals include: Build and promote EdgeX as the common open platform unifying Internet of Things (IoT) edge computing Enable and encourage the rapidly growing community of IoT solutions providers to create an ecosystem of interoperable plug-and-play components around the EdgeX platform architecture Certify EdgeX components to ensure interoperability and compatibility Provide tools to quickly create EdgeX-based IoT edge solutions that can easily adapt to changing business needs Collaborate with relevant open source projects, s...
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